Jamie L. Whitten Historical Center, Itawamba County (Miss.), 20 December 2012

Jamie L. Whitten Historical Center, Itawamba County (Miss.), 20 December 2012

Jamie L. Whitten Historical Center, Itawamba County (Miss.), 20 December 2012

sun shinning down on our yard

The Back Forty 002

The Road Back to Tupelo

Cooler in the Shade

Sun River

Snowberry Clearwing or Bumble Bee Moth

Snowberry Clearwing or Bumble Bee Moth

Painted Lady Butterfly

Hummingbird in Garden

Yellow Butterfly (help id please)

Common Buckeye Butterfly

Bumble Bee on a Purple Coneflower

my homemade potting bench this last spring.

small waterfall on Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway

Female Summer Tanager

my patio container garden

The chase is on!

Girlfriend is catching up with eveybody

still the chase is on

Vito is in full stride now.

Gulf Fritillary butterfly