swim meet

swim meet

2nd platform-mist @ Dukes-Creek-falls


Ramblin Raft Race

Past Time

Elizabeth & Greg's Wedding | Hilton Marietta Hotel & Transfiguration Catholic Church | Marietta Atlanta Wedding Photographer

Red-Bellied Woodpecker on my feeder / Explored!

Stitched Panorama of Sope Creek, Atlanta, Georgia (Explored)

Profile of Crystal Kiss

Faithful Servant

Heron Preening

Marietta Street View

Cojoyito de tomate

Boton de Petunia

A view up from my new workplace campus..[EXPLORED]

Mas Petunias

I'll miss the view from my office. Atlanta really does have a lot of trees :) #tenmoredays

Yellow-crowned night-heron between meals

Going Wide

From One End to Another End

Another Sunset at the Swamp

Pop-Up Thunderheads Over Marietta | July 25th, 2018

Georgia Sky


This Was Home

Cold winter's day

Accepting November - Walls

Caddies Migrating to Warmer Waters

I am not walking down that road!!!

Sope Creek & Ruins

Papermill Creek

Faint Double Rainbow

The Big Chicken / Marietta, GA

Catching the snow

Chattahoochee River

Snow 2014 part 2

Just around the bend

Just your typical Saturday.

Kennesaw Mountain Trail