The Devil's Fork IV

The Devil's Fork III

Spring in the Mountains

: : My Virginia : : Powell Valley

Hotel Norton 1

Lights Inside the Inn at Wise

Hotel Norton 7

Hotel Norton 5

Hotel Norton 2

Hotel Norton 3

Hotel Norton 6

Big Stone Gap Overlook Panoramic

A View From Above

US 23 at Benge's Gap

Blanketed in the Fog

Hotel Norton 4

A wonderful blue IGA in country mountains.


Flag Rock

Storm Clouds over Powell Valley, Wise County, Virginia

Benge's Gap and James Walker Robinson Memorial Scenic Overlook

N759-20 getting on the NS Appalachia District and making tracks through the Appalachias.

Roaring Fork Stream

NS 79K west clear Big Stone Gap, VA

Drive in movie theater

The Jersey Girl on a NS 745.

KT25 heading back to their home rails off the NS Appalachia District and back to the Cumberland Valley Sub.

Flag Rock Overlook

Coming 'Round the Mountain

NS U41 in Appalachia

With Sugar on Top

Devils Bathtub

NS 78K

Powell Valley Viaduct

NS 2554 in Appalachia, VA

The Iconic NS 745 lash up. With NS 8103 leading into the Heart of the Appalachias.

NS U47 pulling out of Andover Yard slowly from Wentz.