Lily Pond ~ Forest Park

Last lilies of the season...


Happy Birthday America!

American Robin Series

same barns different day

European Starling

Goodyear ZNPK-28 Blimp Control Car

blue hills tower 4 (view 2)

windsor locks rescue 4 (view 2)

Longest Hair at The Big E 2009

Sikorsky VS-44A 'Excambian'"

Lily Pond ~ Forest Park

south windsor engine 4 (view 2)

Budweiser Clydesdale Horse Team

Northern Cardinal

On High Alert

Q436 by the Mittineague Freight House

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

Frogs Eye View

Mushroom Heaven

Sunrise on the CT River

Connecticut River at Dawn

The Old Tobacco Barn

Autumn in New England*

Peaceful Morning

Sunset from Old Newgate Prison

Sunrise 9/2/2017

Autumn Mist

Windsor Locks Canal

Early Autumn (At least something is working out)

Morning on the CT River

Purple Haze

Autumn River

Barns at Northwest Park

The Cabin on the Lake

Winter Pond

Orchards of Fall