The Fly

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

bliss to me

It was a long way to walk, but the view made it all worthwhile

Portland Skyline 10 - HDR

The famous maple

We are not alone.

Everyone should have a St Johns Bridge of their own

Even in an upside down world, a bridge is still a bridge

cityscape two

Tunnel Vision

Classic view

it's cloud illusions i recall

Portland Tram/South Waterfront Portland Oregon

Ponder the view

Marquam's Nightlife

"The tree" in Portland Japanese Garden

Clearing Your Head

"That" Maple Tree

Portland 360 Flip

it is spring again


Freemont sunrise

Pink Willamette

The Garden

The Japanese Maple

The Mighty River

Urban Jungle

Stuck Inside of Portland With the Willamette Blues Again

Sunset over the Marina

Falls at the Japanese Garden

Into the fog

... Japanese Garden, Portland ...

Snow-capped moon-rise

River Life


Willamette River Sunset Portland Oregon

Heavenly Falls in the Fall at the Japanese Gardens

Rub the Sleep From Your Eyes

Autumn Zen [Artograph]

Once in a Blue Moon

Competing Interests