_ Dangerous waters, seA of Fins

_ Silent crossings - rencontres inattendues! ------- SLiding into the week-end - Explore

_ DIfferentiaL Propagation and InterseCting Stories!

― RhombuS

_ "Patio de Los Reyes"

― Recursive expressionism

― Shades of Grey

_Seeing RED

_ The RaiseD eYe

_ “inScapeS”

— Recollections of Memory

A walk in the evening

- Discretion

__Building Bug - Bestiole cirière...

_TO A POINT ~ Centripetal forces ~

∕≡┘└ . SlotteD

_sTRUCtural constellation

unwind in the view

_ the BaR ... conteXtual conFrontation

bleu, blanc & rouge

the Corridor..

sun worn

Melbourne City Twilight


Fed Square Poppies 2015-04-24 (_MG_0368)

mel / / burn

Massive tranquility

Bolte Bridge

― The virtue of Dimensions

So Happy Together

Surrey Park Lake Sunset - 3

Yarra River

In the Lanes

Call Home

seven thirty bourke street

Surrey Park Lake Sunset - 8

bataphobic snotscape

Journey to Nowhere

rooted by the river

once was nauruan

wanker lane, in the rain