Watching the sunset

capturing the view

Old Woman on the spot light

morning reflections at the beach

White Water ! (with a hint of tint) :-)

_20A1498 Red Rocks

Arkwright Colours. Explore #1(My First Time at #1!!)

Point Cartwright

_20A1484 Coolum Rock

Point Arkwright by night

320A3595 Pt Arkwright beach

Front Row Seats-0484-6-HDR

_20A1494 Red Rock

Awesomeness(is that even a word)

The Hourglass

Viewing Platform

Point Cartwright Rocks

The Loo with a View

Loo With a View

A taste of colour

Coolum Beach - Sunshine Coast Australia

Look Out for Drop Bears!

To the beach...

Sweeping In

WATERFALL=buderim forest park

Strung Out

Squared Away

1a320A5226 Two falls two swirls

Reflections on Pincushion

Sunrise at Stumers Creek

320A1182 Point Arkwright, Coolum, Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Surfing at Pt Arkwright

Sweeping Sands

1a320A5245 Upper weir

320A5126 Falls from all directions

Go Green again but better

_MGL3003 The bridge from the cave

Go Green

Sunshine ! (Coast)

Leaving the Harbour

Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble!

warmth of pacific waves