149/365 - Railroad Crossing Signal

My view right now. #LionsLake

back by popular demand

Warrensburg MO Dummy Train

Warrensburg MO Café Blackadder

1001 Vest Dr., Warrensburg, Mo.

Missouri Pacific Lines, Missouri, Warrensburg (3,090-2)

My Lunch Spot Viewed from Across the Lake

2 + 1 = ohhh sh....

Missouri Pacific Lines, Missouri, Warrensburg (3,090)

View from the Lake Buteo Dam

ucm student parking lot

My new view. Sitting on the dock with shoes off :)

ucm parking lot 3

flags of the world_8680

My View During Lunch

Johnson County Courthouse Cupola view 1

Love the view of Lions Lake on the hill. We sat up there on the bench and enjoyed some fruit gummies.

Better view of the courthouse. The statue on top isn't cut off this one.

ucm parking lot 1

Johnson County Courthouse Cupola view 2

Jasmine on the path.

Sunset through the trees

Sunset through the trees about 30 minutes after the other picture.

Sunset on Sunset Hill

Blue & White

Knob Noster

Knob Noster

Lions Lake, Warrensburg, MO 64093

Lions Lake, Warrensburg, Missouri.

Knob Noster

The Lake we walked around today.

Knob Noster

Lions Lake, Warrensburg, Missouri.

Discovery Trail Hill

Jasmine panorama

Sunset over Lions Lake.

Clearing on the North Loop

Tree Knot on Lake Buteo Trail

North Loop Trail

14 September 2009