It's a plane, It's a Skimmer, It's mom with food!

It just got cuter than the previous pic!

Take out dinner!

Black-throated Green Warbler

Tossed Sushi !

Hooded Merganser (M)

American Robin

Open wide!!

Swamp Sparrow

Blue-headed Vireo

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Red-eyed Vireo

Black-throated Green Warbler

Look at me look at me, I'm flying I'm flying!

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Eastern Phoebe

Lesser Yellowlegs

Ring-necked Duck

Blue-headed Vireo

Hooded Merganser (M)

Eastern Phoebe

A Waiting Game @ Long Beach, New York, USA

Three's a Crowd @ Long Beach, New York, USA

Oakland Lake - New York City

Tonight's Sunset @ Long Beach, New York, USA

Make A Wish @ Long Beach Boardwalk, Long Island, USA

Chasing the Harvest Moon @ Long Beach, New York, USA

Sweeping Allée - Entrance to Old Westbury Gardens

Clouds over the jetty

Back to the New York Groove

Alley Creek Morning

Home by the Sea

Bayside Marina Sunrise

Levy Preserve_2611-Edit

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Mssapequa Nature Preserve

Old Westbury Gardens

151/366 Weeping Willow Bonsai

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

sand and sky


The pond has flooded...