Morgan County Courthouse, Jacksonville, Illinois

GM&O local, Jacksonville, Illinois

maple view barn and power poles

Humble Beginnings - 2 of 5

My first snowfall

maple view barns in winter

NS #145 at Fox Lane

NS #145 at Arnold

maple view barn and power poles

NS #255 at Orleans - Pt. 2

Noir Art Emporium

NS #145 at Orleans


Front view,

Side view

20150508_F0001: Giant spacecraft parking on the ground

Saturday Surprise

Orleans Washout - Eastbound

Wedding fun #eatdrinkandbeharris

Canon On The Watch

South Jacksonville Walk

4 horses and a barn

South Jacksonville Walk

Six Axle Quartet

NS D31 working Pactiv - 2009

Week 20

South Jacksonville Walk

Battle For Newton's Station

Moon 3

Moon 1

Nichols Park

NS 48E at Arnold

Pastel Sunrise

Moon 2

Nichols Park

4 horses and a barn

4 horses and a barn

