DMIR 204 - 10/1/1999

222 Nortbound at 60

The only thing constant is change....

A Huge View Minnesota Spring 2011

My view of the game. I'm one lucky gal!

The view from my backyard

A Nice View

The current situation

front view of the sauna

Open pit in Virginia

U71681 ZIM

... time has its way with us all #truehdr #yesitsfrommyiphone

Into the Storm

CN #6254 Mt. Iron, Minnesota

Let's play some football!

the Glow #silhouettes #drive #iphone #minnesota #tamiro #sunrise #morning

Leonidas Mine Overlook

CN 2107 & the St. Louis River

Pics of our pug Chazz & geese & the Chisholm high school band

#hhs #football #seniors #2014 #bluejackets

Go Bluejackets!

#sky #soccer #brothersforever



#soccer #sky #brothersforever

Soccer in the mist

.. still life?

#football #bluejackets Go Leslie! Are you ready for some football?