Cruise on fjord

Running Stream in the Raundalen valley in Norway viewed from the Bergen Railways Train

Snauholmen islet

Uvgjesdøla in the light

Running Stream in the Raundalen valley in Norway viewed from the Bergen Railways Train

Flam and the Flam Railway.

Flamsbana: Waterfall

Early morning view from Hotel Brakanes in Ulvik, Norway

Snow and running stream in the Raundalen valley in Norway viewed from the Bergen Railways Train

Flam and the Flam Railway.

Views from Flåmsbana 2

Majestic view from Hotel Brakanes


Upward views while going down into the Fram Valley, Norway

Standing out

Views from Flåmsbana 3

View from Bergensbanen, Norway -9216.jpg

View from Flåmsbana

View from Flåmsbana

Norway - Ulvikpollen

View from Flåmsbana

NO - Upsete, Bergensbane - Bm73



Follow the flow

Le Hardangerfjord depuis Ulvik

Norwegian Scenery. Myrdal, Norway

Ulvik Dawn

2014 La catarata Kjosfoss

Ulvik pier, Ulvikafjorden, Norway

Mountain forest in HDR

Mountain pond

IMG_4048 (2)

Ulvikafjorden at the golden hour, Norway

Osafjord, Norway

Long and winding road, Flåm, Norway