before sunrise

Wolkersdorf, Lower Austria (Schloss Wolkersdorf), Palacio de Wolkersdorf, Wolkersdorf Palace, Palazzo di Wolkersdorf, le Palais de Wolkersdorf - Zamek (Schlossplatz)

Wien, 21. Bezirk, Pfarrkirche Sankt Leopold (Donaufeld), la chiesa parrocchiale di Leopoldo III di Babenberg, la iglesia parroquial de Leopoldo III di Babenberg (santo), l'église de Léopold III d'Autriche, Church of Leopold III, Margrave of Austria

foggy leopoldsberg

Selfportrait AbsentPresent: My Bag with the Cover of the Frame, Golden Frame, Found Crown Cork, My Mother in the far distance viewing Danube - Die Donauinsel für meine Mutter und mich allein

autumn view

Blick vom Leopoldsberg auf Wien

Wien, 21. Bezirk, Pfarrkirche Sankt Leopold (Donaufeld), la chiesa parrocchiale di Leopoldo III di Babenberg, la iglesia parroquial de Leopoldo III di Babenberg (santo), l'église de Léopold III d'Autriche, Church of Leopold III, Margrave of Austria

garage süd


Mug Tasse Walla Reisenbauer Birdman`s House Vogel Haus - Horacek in Mannswörth in Gugging, Birdman: Installation Ein Künstlerhaus auf Reisen, Villa Gugging

building blocks

Vienna by night

Stockerau, Lower Austria – Stadtpfarrkirche Sankt Stephan, la chiesa parrocchiale del Santo Stefano, la iglesia parroquial del San Esteban (mártir), l'église paroissiale de l’Étienne (premier martyr), the parish church of Saint Stephen

365-058 Mountains?

Vienna at daybreak

Wien, 19. Bezirk, Josefskirche, la chiesa al San Giuseppe_(padre_putativo_di_Gesù), la iglesia a Santo José de Nazare, l'église au Saint Joseph (Nouveau Testament), the church to the Saint Joseph the Worker

Vienna at night - Tilt-Shift

Run Steffen, Run! Day #174

Kahlenberg view

Full moon over Vienna

Autumn Reflection

Weingarten am Nußberg 2

"And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years."

summer field

Weingarten am Nußberg 1

Sunrise over Vienna

Beautiful Evening

175-366 Warm and Sunny

dedicated to Natasha

Gewitterstimmung über Gerasdorf, NÖ

Donauau bei Spillern, NÖ

Taking Care

Colors of Autumn

“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain”

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”

autumn leaves


Im Wasserpark