
Capitol View

Views of the I-10 Mississippi River Bridge

Louisiana State Capitol - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Deep Depth of Clover Field (105)

Alix & The Sunken Boat

Sometimes I wonder if everyone gets such awesome views.

Old Louisiana State Capitol - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Where'er we may be, may our views be vast, and unobstructed.


Mississippi River - Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Same view different day. Happy Freyja's Day World!

the Riverfront at dusk

Mississippi Sunset

full front view

back view

Good Morning

08-18-12; Capitol Annex, Downtown Baton Rouge, Mississippi River as viewed from the observation deck of the state capitol, Baton Rouge LA #capitolannex #capitol #capitolcomplex #capitolbuilding #downtown #downtownbatonrouge #downtownbatonrougela #downtown


Bee’s-eye View #2

From The Bay to BTR

greetings from Louisiana


after the fall

7th day leftovers

End of Summer

Paradise Lost

Pennington Balloon Fest Sunrise

Wishing us each time-enough <3

Ok and another #GoTeamCloud!

And this.

Happy Tyrsday World :) from me and this happy magical tree!

Same tree-Different day. Wishing us all new found treasures in the everyday!

Feels like a good day for stretching into the wide and woolly unknown -lets go!

Now the day is o'er Night is drawing nigh Shadows of the e'ing steal across the sky <3

Happy Woden'sDay World!

Reflective morning. Heading out to Hold the Space.

Happy Thor'sDay World!!

Happy Freyjasday World! From me and this happy little tree :)

Wishing you all a cozy dreamy day World <3