Friends of Nevada Wilderness "Wild Nevada 2016" calendar release party

Nevada desert clouds

Some mountains in Nevada with frozen lakes in starting of the summer 2012...

Space Age Style Service Station Defunct Hawthorne ,Nv

Smokey Mountains (literally!)

Hawthorne, Nevada

Hawthorne, NV - El Capitan Casino

Hawthorne, NV - Elks Lodge

Hawthorne, Nevada

Hawthorne, Nevada

Hawthorne, Nevada

Hawthorne, Nevada

Canadome Theatre Closed For Good Hawthorne ,Nv . I love that it was in a quonset hut there is a 100 gallon heating oil tank and a swamp cooler on the side

El Capitan Casino ,Hawthorne ,Nv

El Capitan Casino , Hawthorne , Nv

Shadow Portrait El Capitan Casino , Hawthorne ,Nv

Street Scene Hawthorne ,Nv

U.S. Route 95, Hawthorne, Nevada With Ammunition Bunkers in Background

Ammunition Bunkers, Hawthorne Army Depot, Hawthorne, Nevada

el c[]pitan

El Capitan

Xmas Fun Times