The Long, But Not So Winding Road

Sunset over farm fields... Delaware Spring 2011

Sparkles - view in Lightbox by pressing 'L'

© Barney Vincelette

Woody & Cece - Christmas Eve

Photowalk 46 of 52 - Browns Branch County Park - POTW

Woody & Cece - Christmas Eve

Abbotts Pond - Christmas Eve 2010

Liv - Christmas Eve 2010

Liv - Christmas Eve 2010 (BW)

Cece - Christmas Eve 2010

Woody & Cece - Christmas Eve 2010

Water View, Downtown Milford

Cece - Christmas Eve 2010

Liv - Christmas Eve 2010

Delaware State Fair - 2012

Liv - Christmas Eve 2010

Woody & Cece - Christmas Eve 2010

Cece - Christmas Eve 2010

Abbotts Pond - Christmas Eve 2010

Brian_CC 2_122410_X

WOODSIDE SUNSET 1 2 . 4 . 2 0 1 5 #gartoonz

Woodside Sunset - Variations - 8.5.15 #gartoonz

"Across the Universe" Woodside Sunset 9. 2 4 . 2 0 1 5 #gartoonz

D A W N - B R E A K S W O O D S I D E 1 . 1 4 . 2 0 1 6 #gartoonz #FromDaCountry [ 1 ]

WOODSIDE SUNSET 1.10.2016 #gartoonz

Woodside Sunset - Variations - 8.5.15 #gartoonz

Woodside Delaware Sunset - 5.15.15

TINT. God's Painting

Woodside Sunset 1 1 . 2 4 . 1 5 #gartoonz

"Balancing Act" Woodside sunset - Woodside, Delaware - 6.9.15

" b o i s s o n à l' o r a n g e " Woodside Sunset 1 1 . 1 1 . 2 0 1 5

Woodside Sunrise 12.12.15 #gartoonz

Sky Reflections

Sunrise in Woodside (1), Walkin' the Edison .... #gartoonz

"MILFORD SUNSET" Milford, Delaware 12.18.2015 #gartoonz

Even the eastern sky glows gold during this "Woodside Sunset" ( 1 ) 1 1 . 2 2 . 2 0 1 5 #gartoonz

TINT. "Which Way"?

Woodside Sunrise Off to >>>> The Schwartz Center for my next shift .... #SchwartzCenter #FromDaCountry #gartoonz

Putt for par