British Piston Technology (Subsurface Remix)

The Homeward Commute

A Pond in The Morning

Blue Sunset Heron

Departing Flight

Petals & Sepals: Best Buds

Flying the Skies Over America (Black & White)

Looking Out the Window

Flying the Skies Over America

Ya Ya Han - Anime Matsuri 2012

Taking off from Houston International Airport

panorama, 2018 Feb.3 bald cypress swamp near Houston

Window with a View.

Lined Up United Airplanes

Fore for four!

National Museum of Funeral History Houston Texas

Sunset Reflections

Bridge Light


Anadarko Clouds

Kristy Loves the Dragonfire

KIAH 20150419

Mercer Botanic Garden

Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Garden 2

Bermuda Lounge

look for the tree in the middle of the path

Sunday Sunset

Water Feature Star

New Orleans - USA

Gulf Fritillary & Flowers

Bald cypress trees out of the water

Abuse of Authority, Self Interest, Taste, Subjectivity & the Kenswick Homeowners Association Board of Directors

IAH Terminal A South rained in

Missing work today, but definitely not missing work (pre-approved vacation day). I'm on chair/stuff watch right now while my brother, his wife, and our nieces traverse the lazy river. I'm doing a good job at holding a lounger down.

Loblolly Pine Bark

Cypress Knees

Hughes Landing

Camino Los Angelitos Street


Tower in the woodlands

Pretty Pundt Park Pond