Stairway World - Things That Make No Sense

ICE and Pac Man

Didn't Your Parents Tell You Not to Play on the Tracks?

Arsenal Bridge / Dam 15

Happy 4th From the Quad Cities! (Explored)

but everything looks perfect from far away

Aerial View of MLI

Quad Cities from Above

Eagles vs Nationals Soccer

I. The Descent

1993-94 Cadillac Fleetwood

Let Freedom Ring: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

MP15DC Duo

Viewing the Galaxy

Let Me Lend You a Hand

Morning Reflections

BNSF Triple Five - Crescent Bridge - Davenport IA

Nov_7_2009 014

On Watch

Room with a view

River view at sunset

Bridge over the Mississippi

Departing Davenport

Beside the still waters

Golf Back 9

The Mississippi River

Aurora No-Show

Don't tread on me

Black Ducks

fall, fog, and foliage

Duck Creek Jan 14, 2011

The mighty Mississippi

Chillin at the skate park with a pinch of my famo!!! #summer #family

"This is why I love the fact that I never drive, I get to take beautiful (safe) pictures." #sunset #cloud #clouds #photograph #photography #landscape #picture #love #blue #white #sky #moline #illinois #quadcities #passover #interstate #exit #december

....…......... (speechless) ................

Sunset in Iowa

Mississippi River sunlight

Duck Creek Jan 14, 2011

Jul 3, 2011 2:54 PM

Quad Cities Sunset 2

Skipping Stones