Jean Cocteau Cinema

Santa Fe 5030 Steam Locomotive

San Miguel Chapel (ca 1610)

Sunset over Santa Fe


Sunset over Santa Fe

San Miguel Chapel (ca 1610)

La Fonda Tower

Bronze Wagon Train Scene: New Mexico Rockhounding Series (From 2005, Museum Hill Plaza of Santa Fe)

Santa Fe, Loretto Chapel

Custom-built 4 x 5 Large Format Stereo Pinhole Camera. *** stereo 3-d

East San Francisco Street

White-lined sphinx (Hyles lineata)

An Ant's Eye View

Round the Corner in Santa Fe

Galisteo Basin (Santa Fe, NM)

Hopi Kachina: New Mexico Rockhounding Series (From 2005, Museum Hill Plaza of Santa Fe)

Moon: New Mexico Rockhounding Series (From 2005, Museum Hill Plaza of Santa Fe)


Hanging Out at the Bars

220-What a View! Aug. 7, 2012

Christmas Along The Turquoise Trail

Heaven's Magical Clouds

The Great Southwest Canyon

Southwest Love

The Great American Southwest

Magical Clouds

Sun sets in the valley

Everyone Or Everthing Turns At Some Point

Hyde Park Road In the Snow

Piñon Fence New Mexico

Rainy Day in Sante Fe

Straight Ahead

Above Manhattan

Sunsets In The Valley

A Santa Fe Home

Journey To The Center Where All Is Born

Never To Late For Summer

Graffiti In The Santa Fe Rail Yard

So Big But Yet So Far

Sothwestern Fuzzy Sunset

Flower Bells