View from Schneeberg

The Right Way

Myra Falls

Morgendliche Aussicht / Morning view

Peeing from the highest mountain of Lower Austria at sundown = perfect emotional freedom

Black and white view from Hochschneeberg mountain

Voralpenlandschaft / Prealps landscape

waiting for you

View from Gösing summit

Panorama from Hochschneeberg mountain

nighttrain to vienna

Schwarzataler Frühlingsimpression

View on Burg Stixenstein from Gösing

Views from Gösing

2011-06-18 Stereo 3D Red/Cyan MPO of Peterskirche in Ternitz, Austria

211/365 - Blick in Nachbars Garten

View from Gösing mount

When will the snow flow away ?

Kontrollierte Schwarza / Controlled Schwarza river

DSC_5519 Fountain in Puchberg

View from a restaurant at the top of the Schneeberg in Austria

18.10.2014, 5:07 pm

schneeberg, 17:46 pm

Schneeberg / Austria

getting the day started

Myra Wasserfälle

colours of the fog

indian summer

Hohe Wand - Skywalk

Geh durch diesen Herbst ! / Walk through this autumn !

Hohe Wand, Skywalk, Lower Austria

Bridge at Myrafälle

Myra Wasserfälle

Paraglider, Memorial for 144 fallen Austrian and German Soldiers April 1945 - Allerheiligen 2013 auf der Hohen Wand - Gleitschirmflieger, Gedenkstätte für 144 gefallene österreichische und deutsche Soldaten, April 1945

Myrafälle (Myra Falls)

Mryafaelle II

Myrafälle II

The Lake - The heart of Puchberg's downtown

Myra Wasserfälle
