Pimp My Ride

Rockets red flare...

Kayak Sunrise

Clock Tower Mechanism @ William McKinley Presidential Library & Museum [2010-03-19]

Time and place...

The William McKinley Memorial

Balloon Classic Invitational (North Canton, Ohio) (2010-08-01)


"Who are you?...who, who, who, who..."

The view from the waiting room...

Where Eagles Fly

Bouncin' Baby Bouy

St. George Serbian Orthodox Church


Abandon all hope ye who enter here...

The Molly Stark Hospital

Baseball Field (HDR)

Thank You!

View from the Ruffs' front window on this snowy, pre-Thanksgiving Ohio morning.

The Palace Theater

A shade of red...

Where Coyotes roam

Hartville Hardware - Part I

Hartville Hardware - Part V

Winter Morning

Hartville Hardware - Part VI

Fleabane Daisies Botanical

Hartville Hardware - Part III

One tree

Arctic Cat

wait for me

Hartville Hardware - Part VII

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly on Ironweed Wildflower II

From a distance, in a field,

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly and Ironweed Wildflower Collage


Summer Botanical - Tall Ironweed - Vernonia altissima II

Sunset over barn

Black Butterfly

Snowy Morning

Amazing view from the car window. #americanwest #rockies #landscape #roadtrip #americaisbeautiful @theamericanroadtripper @westernresourceadvocates @rockymountaineer @drivethenation