An impression of Autumn, <Autumn Leaves>

View from old window glass

a view of viola's colonies by an ant's view

an apple, that's all!

wish you all a happy weekend!!!

fallen leaves on moss

Autumn on a bench

View from the train

A window with ornaments

a peaceful scenery in an old town

two kinds of ivy

Plum blossoms in the rain

Nikko - View enroute to Nikko by Tobu Nikko line

look up at the sky, and be ambitious !!!

a couple of the Sakura Tree

on the approch to an old Buddhist temple in a mountain

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Victoria Blue Salvia or Mealy-cup Sage

wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Plum blossoms with a bit bitter memory of mine

The image for Sunday

The Simple Life

on one sunny day in the rainy season.

Way of the bamboo



#17 The Giant Evergreen Beech of Raiden Shrine

昨日の山登りの筋肉痛を緩和するため、早朝山歩き。 イイ汗かいた♪~(´ε`)


#15 The Honourable Sacred Cryptomeria of Oohirasan Shrine



A BLURRED & OUT OF FOCUS (カメラブレとピンボケ)


#45 The Giant Nutmeg-yew of Henjou Temple

α6 Giant Ginkgo of Mangan Temple

#38 The Giant Ginkgo of Shiroyama Park


#4 The Giant Ginkgo of Jougan Temple

#38 The Giant Ginkgo of Shiroyama Park
