Sunrise at Matheson

Spot-tailed Dasher (Micranthyria aequalis) ♂.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


Florida Life: Paradise By Dawn's Early Light

Surprise Sunset

The Lake

Ring-Billed Gull (Non-Captive) Resting at Miami’s ZooMiami

Grant’s Gazelle

In the Eye of the Heron

Love You Mom

Miami Metro Zoo

Her Sweet Eyes

Addax Close-Up at Zoo Miami, Florida

Faithful Beauty (Composia fidelissima) Caterpillar

American Flamingoes Face Off at Zoo Miami, Florida

Entrance Sign

Indian Gaur Close-Up at Zoo Miami, Florida

Clouds Colorful Orgy In The Sky, As Lover Wait, Masts Abate & Boats Float - IMRAN™ - 3700+ Views!

The Road Less Travelled in Miami

Simply Peaceful

to do this picture, remember to bring mosquito repellent!

Out In The Fields

An Ordinay Winter Day in Florida

Mangroves and the capture of motion.

Malayan tapirs animals at @zoomiami

Rise Above

Reticulated Giraffe

American Crocodile #animals at @zoomiami

Eleven Ibises

Big Shiny Kendall Dr

Clouds * Sunset

#anoas #animals at @zoomiami

*Fire Sunset*

IMG_9503 Sunset

Posing in the Sunflowers

Orinoco crocodile #animals at @zoomiami

Magical Rays

Alligators at @zoomiami

Straight From The Heart

Magic Sunset

Florida Life: Palm Sunday