Revolutionary War Hero

Casey's Cottage (east view)

Casey's Cottage (south view)

La Siesta Motel

La Siesta Motel

View from the balcony. Sound and lighting controls

The Roosevelt Hotel ~ NY State Route 49

Midway view

North Country

Skies over the I-90 Thruway

Highway 11

Skies over the I-90 Thruway

If you are traveling in Oswego County New York, take your time and be safe this morning.

wander with me

Selkirk Shores State Park

Lake Ontario shore

#macs welcome Spring!

Another sunset on Lake Ontario from camp

Yet another sunset on Lake Ontario

Beach Closed

Lake Ontario

Sunset at Selkirk Shores State Park

what are you looking at

Pier #1

The nuke plant across the lake

A couple of big salmon sighted.

Sunset on the beach, Lake Ontario

North Country