A view of Ierusalem

Dome of the Rock

Old Jerusalem - View to the Temple Mount

Bethleem view

Sunrise Behind the Bani Ghanim Minaret

Southern White Admiral - Limenitis reducta (אצילית היערה)

Fire-flag Plume Moth - Sphenarches anisodactylus (עשנוצית הטיון)

ramparts walk

St. Lazarus Church of Bethany, near Jerusalem, Israel

Divine Maintenance

Palestine Sunbird - Cinnyris osea

Thomisus onustus - יפרוחית (סרטביש הפרחים)

Black-capped Jay Garrulus - Glandarius ssp. atricapillus

Eurasian Blackbird - Turdus merula

View from Mt. Scopus.

Lesser Fiery Copper - Lycaena thersamon (נחושתן החומעה)

Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui (נימפית החורשף)

Bubopsis andromache - ארימחוש שעיר

Desert Swallowtail - Papilio saharae (זנב סנונית נאה)

Eurasian Blackcap - Sylvia atricapilla

First Light on the Christian Quarter (explored)

Burning Sky


Green Dead

Jerusalem, Vorstadt

Jerusalén desde el Monte de los Olivos

Jerusalem - chapel "Dominus Flevit"

Green-cheeked Parakeet - Pyrrhura molinae

Foggy Sunrise

Tomb of Zachariah, Cave of the Sons of Hezir; Mt of Olives ancient cementary

On the way from Jeruslaem

Traffic jam on the way from Jerusalem after working week.

Old City Walls

Mosque of Omar ibn Al-Khattab

Gethsemane Gardens behind the Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem

Segways in the Jaffa Gate

Damascus Gate (Israel)

Two of us going nowhere

Jerusalem's hills, 2

Israel - Old David's City

Mt Olive cemetery