Easter - April 2014

the fog - behind the veil

the fog - hidden limits (fp)

input / output-systems...

Shades of Grey

rhine view

Field Trees 2

Flowers, flowers, flowers

the fog - off-fence

Blätterrauschen / Ground control

Three January Trees

what else is there

the fog - fading memories...

stepping up to nothing

feeling free

Ratingen - Breitscheid

Ratingen - Lintorf

She took the long way home

Hotel Interconti

Am Deilbach #2

the fog - hidden sun

time flux

Ratingen - Breitscheid

mood reflections

5 horses & a tree

halfway there

new day

Marcher vers la lumière

autumnal landscape


Witchcraft - Walpurgis Night 2013

magical forest

Düsseldorf - Hubbelrath

Sound of Wings

Düsseldorf - Hubbelrath