Ghost of the Grasslands

Cruising Altitude

Cruising Low... and Cruising Large

Field Sparrow

Chancellor Green Library

Shortie on the Wing

Head-on Harrier

It's just a jump to the left...

Princeton University Rockefeller College

Hen Harrier on the Hunt

Taking Flight...

A Scanning Harrier

a Short-eared Glow

And the case begins

Mill Hill lamp post

McCosh Hall Auditorium in August Light, Princeton University

jersey swamp

Confrontational Vulnerability

fighting to the last leaf

Grasshopper Sparrow (juvenile)- Griggstown Native Grasslands Preserve

Easter 2018 Daffodils

Grass Field

When you searching for that "one road" which would lead you to your happiness. #fallcolors #lifelessons #firewithin #october #myfavourite #needabreak #walkforlife

The Race is on!

Morning Dew

Morning Walk Through the Spring Woods

Tree Eater

Japanese Maple

Autumn Canoes

Heading Up Sourland Mountain

Mill House

Kingston Mill House

Trees in Snow Storm

Winter Farm

Foggy Morning

Dignity in Old Age

Landscape Garden, Hamilton, NJ

Field with trees

Northern Harriers of Mercer - 11

Princeton's Tree Lined Sidewalk

Peaceful Chaos

Trail Marker