Earth and Water

The Pond

Bear Creek Forest in IR

Guarding the Emporer's Tomb

stars in light polluted Houston

Ducks in the pond

Houston streets view

Day 256 - Multi-tasking

another view out my office window

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church

365.186 Winter

365.228 Growing Pains

365.249 I Want a Perfect Body, I Want a Perfect Soul

Cross Section

Photo Shoot

365.243 Feeding Britney

365.222 Tea Time at Lunch

A view of the wetlands as we drive by. Can see a few egrets.

View from the Bench

Somewhere is Texas The Emperor Reviews His Troops

Memorial High School Theatre

addicks_2014-05-10_028-HDR Pano

Bayou ran over its banks

an epic sunset

In The Beginning M


Splash rise

After Rain

Sky lake. Cold evening

Fading Trees

Overgrown and Forgotten

Sunny day

Barred Owl

setting sun on addicks reservoir

Cinco Ranch. Katy, Texas


seattle. serenity.

Jack's Park

Canon S100 test


George Bush Park