A781 2014-3-20 Johnson Fla David T Moore

Linaria canadensis

Wish I Had This at Home...

From top of fire tower-June 1966

Lake Brooklyn from atop fire tower

View from the Cabin

House Wren (Troglodytes aedon)

Grandpa's toy room

A Wonderful Moment

This is How We Dispose of the Bodies

Lord have mercy, I'm a boy from down in the boondocks,

Ain't Gonna Cut It...

Distance to McMeekin Lake: 2 Inches...

Spanish moss in the oaks

Lake Alto

Spanish moss in the oaks

Spanish moss in the oaks


20110326 - 281 - Melrose Open Air Arts

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Little Lake Johnson, once part of Big Lake Johnson, Mike Roess Goldhead Branch State Park, Putnam County, Florida 1

Rain On The Way (2 of 3)

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Melrose “swimming hole”

Depression Marsh, once part of Big Lake Johnson, Mike Roess Goldhead Branch State Park, Putnam County, Florida 3

Because It Was...

Tabula rasa

Floridian muqarnas

Canopy closure

Weeping-willow vaulted

Pebble Lake, Mike Roess Goldhead Branch State Park, Putnam County, Florida 2


Lake Geneva On a Cloudy Morning