View Dew

365.107 BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

365.186 Winter

Night Midway

365.257 No One Watching

Oaks at Waterwall Park, Houston

NOW IN 3D! “The last thing Sarah’s punching bag sees before it is kicked to the ground” Playing in selected cities this summer.

Traffic with a Beautiful View

Mona LLama

Houston streets view

Running through strings

Houston streets view

gentle day

Houston streets view

Boogie Woogie

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

green roof

365.237 Bob, They're Still Here...

le mystère de l'avenir

Houston streets view

Waterworks @ Oyster Creek Park, Sugar Land , Texas

A December day in Sugar Land #2

BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

053-17879053 BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

Snow On Pines II

Sofie and baretrees - another one of my favorite combos...

Above South Blvd No. 14

Beneath Oak Trees

Oaks And Arms

Fairies & Green Blade Grass

Fairies & Green Blade Grass

Hermann Park Oak Trees

Pine Needles II

Soto's Houston Penetrable

Pine Needles & Blue Sky

Under The Trees

New Mexico Waves

Mardi Gras 17

Pine Needles III

Hermann Park Oak Trees