RUSTY FLOWERPIERCER MALE Diglossa sittoides Perched on a Blue Flower in Puembo, east of Quito, ECUADOR. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

Golden Grosbeak (Pheucticus chrysogaster)

Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager (Anisognathus igniventris)

Sapphire-vented Puffleg (Eriocnemis luciani)

Great Thrush (Turdus fuscater)

The Church of Santo Domingo (Interior) in Quito, Ecuador

Quito colonial & Panecillo at night

Golden Grosbeak (Pheucticus chrysogaster)

Top view of Monastery of Agustina Nuns (Explored !)

Rufous-collared Sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis)

Yellow-breasted Brush Finch (Atlapetes latinuchus)

Stairway of Monastery of San Francisco and San Francisco Plaza - Quito (Explored)

Golden-breasted Puffleg (Eriocnemis mosquera)

ANDEAN GUAN Penelope montagnii at Yanacocha in Northwestern Ecuador. Guan Photo by Peter Wendelken.

Panorama of the City of Quito, Ecuador

Centro Historico

RAINBOW-BEARDED THORNBILL (Hummingbird) Chalcostigma herrani Catching Spider at the Yanacocha Reserve in ECUADOR. Hummingbird Photo by Peter Wendelken.

RAINBOW-BEARDED THORNBILL Male Chalcostigma herrani at the Yanacocha Reserve in ECUADOR. Hummingbird Photo by Peter Wendelken.

BLUE-AND-BLACK TANAGER Tangara vassorii Eating Fruit at the Yanacocha Reserve in ECUADOR. Tanager Photo by Peter Wendelken.

WHITE-THROATED SCREECH-OWL Megascops albogularis Above Us at the Yanacocha Reserve on Volcán Pichincha in Ecuador. Owl Photo by Peter Wendelken.

Flower in Bill. GREAT SAPPHIREWING Female Pterophanes cyanopterus at the Yanacocha Reserve on Volcán Pichincha in ECUADOR. Hummingbird Photo by Peter Wendelken.

A Bed of Clouds

Colours of Quito

Cotopaxi sunrise, avenue of volcanoes


Catedral de Quito.

Quito, between volcanoes and clouds

El volcán Cotopaxi visto desde Quito

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0785 Pano - Quito, Ecuador

Cotopaxi Volcano Viewed From Quito (Quito, Ecuador. Gustavo Thomas © 2017)

atardecer bajo la lluvia / storm

Panorama historic center of Quito

20131008 Quito, Ecuador 002


Old town of Quito.

Quito up in the mountains

Road to Rucu

Pequeños paraisos escondidos

A beautiful day is starting

#Moon #CordilleradelosAndes