Cinnamon Teal


Roseate Spoonbill with the Wings of an Angel at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge

Space View Park, Titusville, Florida, USA

Reddish Egret and its Reflection (B&W) at Merritt Island, Florida

[134/365] STS-132: Atlantis Shuttle Launch

Flight of the Falcon 9

Space View Park, Titusville, Florida, U.S.A.

Space Shuttle Discovery Launch 10 Second Exposure of Smoke Trail

2015 - 03 - 27 - Big Brother Visits Florida

Reddish Egret on the Hunt in the Other Direction at Merritt Island NWR, Florida

Backlit Roseate Spoonbill in a Side lagoon at Merritt Island NWR, Florida

Ring-Necked Duck Pair Face to Face at Merritt Island NWR, Florida

City of Titusville, Brevard County, Florida, USA

Media Tour Boeing Facility (NHQ201512010017)

Ring-Necked Duck Pair Side by Side at Merritt Island NWR, Florida

Blue-Winged Teal Couple Facing you at Merritt Island NWR, Florida

Mysterious Colorful Clouds in the Sky after Space Shuttle Launch (STS131)

STS-132: Atlantis Soaring

Blue-Winged Teal Couple Paddling Left at Merritt Island NWR, Florida

Blue-Winged Teal Couple at Merritt Island, Florida

Touch and Go

Palms Under Polaris

The Sea Palm-ster

Unnatural Formation

Low Tide Merritt Island NWR

Sunrise over the skyline of Cape Canaveral, Florida, U.S.A.

Moonlight Drive

Early 2

Kennedy Space Center

Kennedy Space Center

Power Up

Kennedy Space Center

Kennedy Space Center

Merritt Island sunset (Florida)

Merritt Island (Florida) sunset - 2016

You May See Just About Anything

Kennedy Space Center

Blue Sky and Blue Water

Merritt Island NWR Sunrise

Sunset over the Indian River