Hit the Road Jack

Lake Meade in the Fall

What a view

Swainson's Warbler

Barred Owl

Red-shouldered Hawk

Prairie Warbler

View from a lawnmower. #storm #clouds

Ballard's Insurance & Feeds

The House by the Tracks

I took a long time to find heaven!


Kings Fork Sunrise

Day 3 of the trip 052

Portsmouth River Walk

Portsmouth River Walk

Boats Ashore

03-11-13 142

03-11-13 138

Variegated Fritillary

Sleepy Hole Park

Pearl Crescent

Washington Ditch Trail

Lone Star Lakes

Crossline Skipper Polites origenes_2043

Blue Dasher Pachydiplax longipennis female_1919

Euapatorium dubium

Lone Star Lakes

All three puppies at play

Dismal Swamp Dawn

Dismal Swamp Dawn

Lake Burnt Mills