Eastern Kingbird

Great Egret

Wood Duck (male)

House Finch

Caspian Tern

Bufflehead Duck (male)

Pied-billed Grebe

Eastern phoebe

Wood duck mom and ducklings

American Tree Sparrow

Painted Turtle

American Robin(male)

American Robin chick

Ruby-throated Hummingbird male

Cedar Waxwing

Red-Tailed Hawk

Savannah Sparrow

Brown-Headed Cowbird (female)

The Lost Egg

Blue Jay

Song Sparrow

Mckenzie Marsh

Play Misty for me

Find me

Reflections of a beautiful autumn

Late Autumn in the Marsh

Seneca Lake

The Earth and the Moon

Icy Grass istock contribution

a foggy day

Into the Woods. Available for purchase on Shutterstock

Autumn in Sheppards Bush

Seneca King

Sheppard's Bush

Waiting for you

Alone in the Fog

Ali drive...


Early Morning Fog

By The Canal

Empezando 2010

Highway 404 hdr