Two antiques

The driver's view

The driver's view also

Chili's after opening (front view)

Savannah - Hilton Head Int'l Airport (SAV)

Savannah - Hilton Head Int'l Airport (SAV)

Savannah Car Wash construction progress (back view)

Chili's after opening (back view)

Tanger Outlet mall outer perimeter

Savannah Car Wash construction progress (front view)

Savannah Car Wash construction progress (front view)

Savannah Car Wash construction progress (back view)

Tanger Outlets west central plaza and Gap factory store

Head Halter Traction Kit (upright view)

Chili's after opening (front view)

Tanger Outlets west central plaza

Tanger Outlets west central plaza

tree frog on screen

Wondering Eyes

Springtime in the Swamp: Water


Lowcountry dawn

Elegant Old Lady

Effingham Courthouse Painting

Quercus morning

Bridge to Gatorville

Port Wentworth

GA-SC Border

Friday Sunrises are best

Harkeye #redshoulderedhawk #raptor

Dwarf Bottle Brush

My Work Buddy

Live Oak

Somewhere over Georgia.

Becks Ferry Landing, 1_2, 11/26/09, Jasper County SC

Jade and the Cicada

Publix construction progress

Little Feet

Morning along the Savannah River at Drakie Plantation

morning mushroom

Lake reflections in the morning