New York City - Nacht über Manhattan 05

NY Waterway

New York City - Manhattan Skyline from Hamilton Park 03

New York City - Manhattan Skyline 03

San Remo

White-throated Sparrow

Towers of Silver

Manhattan Skyline

New York City - Manhattan Skyline 01

Midtown Manhattan Skyline


The Old Railroad Station

666 Park Avenue

New York City - Manhattan Night 02

below the steel

Guardians of the gods : Chris Lupetti Photography

Losing consciousness of the outer things

New York City - Midtown Manhattan Skyline from Hamilton Park 02

Inner city view

Hermit Thrush

Cruise Ships - New York City

Manhattan ~ New York City ~ Looking West ~ Old Film

Central Park Geese

Paterson Great Falls from above

Para: Ana e Beto ...

The Ravine

Colors of Fall

Central Park #11

Adopt A Bench

Stay Just a Little Longer

Rusted Landscape - Riverside Park, New York City

Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC

IMG_3200 and IMG_3201 Enfused

The Hudson, for natural magnificence is unsurpassed

Fairy Tale

The Reservoir...

New York

Delaware Water Gap

Sun Sinking Low

Central Park - NY