Newburgh Lake - Livonia, Michigan

Middle Rouge River - Plymouth, Michigan

Viewing Nature Through An iPhone

Kensington Metro Parks - Winter Evening

Light trails and sunset

Warm morning sun after snow

Dame's Rocket on Newburgh Lake Dam - Livonia, Mi.

skeleton key, or, Venus de ghetto

Sandhill Crane & Girls

'Dress' for the Occasion

1153 Tartan - Living Room

Down The Line

Keep Detroit beautiful

Milwaukee Road Tap-Lounge 165. Interior View

181/365: Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum.

Table for Two

location location location

Electric Eyes

Rear View

"When I grow up, I want to be just like you..."

Day 335 - Fountaintop

Lonely Bench

Ice Cold Reflections

Nankin Lake - Westland, Michigan

Into the woods - Holliday Park -Westland, Michigan

A Quiet Spot

Nature's cathedral - Holliday Park - Westland Michigan

Agfa-Ansco B2 Cadet Camera made in 1937 - Photo taken 5-18-2016 - Plymouth, Michigan

Holliday Park Nature Preserve - Westland, Michigan

Holliday Park - Westland, Michigan

A Storm Is Coming

Fall Abstract

Quiet Spot By The Lake

Kensington Metropark - Winter Scene

Proud Lake State Recreation Area - Wixom, Michigan

Rouge River - Fall color - Plymouth Michigan

Hix Park - Westland Michigan

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Michigan's spirit

Pano Experiment No. 1, Northville, MI, September, 2019

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