Bourgeau scenery

Standish Viewpoint

Bow River Backswamp

Canadian Traverse

Rock Isle Lake

Storm Mountain

A Late Afternoon Viewing of Mount Rundle and the Vermillion Lakes (Black & White)

Wind Blowing Through a Glassy Meadow (Banff National Park)

A Setting of a River and Trees to Take in Castle Mountain and Eisenhower Peak (Banff National Park)

Mount Rundle Caught in the Beautiful Light of the Late Afternoon Sun (Banff National Park)

An Intersection Along the Trans-Canada Highway 1 (Banff National Park)

Mount Bourgeau and a Forest of Nearby Trees

Mount Rundle and a Grassy Meadow (Portrait Orientation)

The Rundle Peaks and Sanson Peak (Banff National Park)

A Train on the Canadian Pacific Railway (Banff National Park)

Storm Mountain - Sunset, Canada

An Afternoon at Vermillion Lakes (Banff National Park)

Mule Shoe Lake and a Hillside of Trees (Banff National Park)

Standing on a Bridge and Taking in the Bow River and Castle Mountain (Banff National Park)

Lower Falls in Johnston Canyon (Explore 8/29/2015)

A Setting of Evergreen Trees (Banff National Park)