012.365 | Take it all in stride

The good news and the bad

REGIORAIL TPCF 61011 @ Leucate

Long Exposure [Explore]@Port Leucate

SNCF 107263 @ Leucate

Collection of life stories

SNCF 26182 @ Leucate

SNCF 107303 @ Leucate

013.365 | Stop the clocks

SNCF 427127 @ Leucate

[M2_12] Perpignan

Il pleut

The Old Wheel

Another view of the parade ground

Lever de Soleil @Port Leucate

Between Light and Shadows @Port Leucate

Le Castillet Perpignan

Festival internacional de fotoperiodismo

Another view from the inner keep at Salses. The inner keep was separated from the courtyard by an inner moat and by a rampart which was never completed.

The wink

Vue des Rois de Majorque

Etang de Salses

Memory of the summer holidays in France

dans les roseaux...

Mercancías 427127 SNCF

Camino a ninguna parte

Good morning Mediterranean

Vingrau, le Village.

Le Cirque de Vingrau Le Vignoble

Estang Poulit

Paradojas Ferroviarias / Railways Paradoxes: El presente se aleja y el pasado regresa / The Present Goes Away And The Past Returns

Sunset at the Harbor

Embres et Castelmaure 430

Les Barcares

06/2013 - Fitou (FR-11) - SNCF BB 7310 + Rame Corail LR - TER 876425 (Avignon - Cerbère)