My Great Grandparents

Blue Serendipity

Sea Breeze

Come Sail Away

Threshing Time

CNW 8701 from above

Grandpa's Farm ... Looking NW

C&NW 8612 Dashboard

C&NW 8612 Conductors View

C&NW 8612 Engineer

C&NW 8612 Rear of Cab

C&NW 8612 Controls

Orion As Seen By Naked Eye

Raspberry time

Barn and Silo

Late Fall Sunset

Silhouttes at Sunset

River of Fog

Sun Dog

Sunrise Silhouettes

Corn fields...

Down the Wall

Blue Steel took a picture!

Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

Friends Pond in Marshalltown, IA

Walking through a field in Iowa

Friends Pond in Marshalltown, IA

Beautiful landscape!

Blue Steel took a picture!

Riverview Cemetary

Union Soldiers Graves