60 Years



Blue Glow

Inside a Rainbow

New York Central Station, Lacona, NY

Passanger & Freight Station, Lacona, NY


P1000060 View from potential building site at western edge of Lot 23dot07 CR 15 Boylston NY

beautiful end to a beautiful day

day dream

weed problem?

Start of the Rim Trail


After Sunset

winter wasteland

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow...

Winona State Forest

my back yard

Looking Up

Walking Through Glacially Cut Ridge

The Gulf

Trying Out My New Backlit Flag

Trees Along the Edge

Looking Into Valley Above Gorge

Hiking on Timber Road

Into the Gorge

Inside the Gulf

Right on Edge of the Gulf

P1000028 Tagged tree line Eastern Edge Lot 23dot08 CR 15 Boylston NY