Escaping the showers: 2017 Freightliner from Southampton

Picromerus bidens

Water ladybirds

The Village Shop

Zicrona caerulea nymphs!

purple hairstreak, Neozephyrus quercus, male

Picromerus pile up!

purple hairstreak, Neozephyrus quercus, male

Platycampus luridiventris

Gorse shieldbugs (more in comments)

Calvia quattuordecimguttata

Palomena prasina (forma rubiventrosa ????)

Pillbox with a view of The Wrekin

Zicrona caerulea

66717. Tight!

If you were a parking enforcement officer would you issue a ticket?

A 'mitey' Nicrophorus vespilloides!

Audlem,Cheshire,UK.....Staircase Locks

Trichiosoma sp

The one and only!

PYM 106F and the irritating battery flap!

Hodnet Hall Lake. Explore # 234

Winter Fields

46100 Royal Scot on the WCML

Brown Moss

The Joys of Spring

Natures Shadows

Red Lane in the snow

Flying high

Fields near Newport, Shropshire

57012 57008

The Horses

Sutton Pines

Red Lane 3

Tractor On TTAs At Slindon.

Harvest Scenery

Day on the canal

Shroppie Fly at Audlem

Silage making (2)

Rapeseed Fields(1)

Garden Escape

King Alfred's Cake fungus