Past Time

October Moon

Red-Bellied Woodpecker on my feeder / Explored!

swim meet

swim meet

Carnival: Big Wheel

Rocks and Rushing Water | Roswell GA

Carnival: Spider's Spinning Wheel

Mas Petunias

Carnival: Expo Wheel

Going Wide

Carnival: Motion and Stillness

swim meet


Snow in Marietta, Georgia / January 10, 2011

Ramblin Raft Race

Carnival: Moving Ferris Wheel

Autumn Sweat

Elizabeth & Greg's Wedding | Hilton Marietta Hotel & Transfiguration Catholic Church | Marietta Atlanta Wedding Photographer

Photo Challenge - "Water"

Stitched Panorama of Sope Creek, Atlanta, Georgia (Explored)

Lightly Filtered

Sunset on the River

Ruins of the Water Golems

Class 1 Fast Shutter Speed

Georgia Weather

Sixes Mill

Vickery Creek Falls

Roswell Mill Falls in snow

Easter sunset on the Chattahoochee

Cojoyito de tomate

Damn Dam

Roswell Mill Dam - Explore 3-29-2013

Waterfall Pyramid

Sun Burst Trail

roswell mill waterfall

This Was Home

Accepting November - Walls

Class 1 Slow Shutter Speed

The End Of Fall At Roswell Mill

On the Roswell River Walk, Chattahoochee River