Sheltering Sky

CNW 6847 night view


Strange Bedfellows

Her Serious Look...

Nebraska Zephyr, train of the goddesses

Little Lucy


The view from the train...

Goofing Around at the Illinois Railway Museum

IRM Electroliner

MILW 760

Toddler on the Tracks

Chesapeake and Ohio 2707 Black and White

engine 2707 angle view framed

No Name Railroad

C&NW 411

Nebraska Zephyr from the Cab

CSS 803

Bright Sunlight

South Shore Freight

Barriers Are Sometimes Easily Avoided

Fall Morning in the Forest

On my way home from work

C&NW Bi Levels

Same oak trees after the sun came out.

High soaring above the ground with a hot air balloon. #airballoon #family #bobbyliciousintheair

The Winding Path

Marengo Mo Pac

It's crazy-gorgeous outside today.


The wait is finally over!

IRM 42

From the other side of the loop trail. They noticed me that time. Mama and babe.

Parting Mist 2

houses grow in corn fields

French Canyon

Img C5J 088-093

Kishwaukee River, North Branch

Rust 17

Sky in the back 40

19680922 26 Illinois Terminal Rwy. 415 @ Illinois Railway Museum