Polytrichum commune (Common Haircap Moss)

Dotted Wolf Spider

Dotted Wolf Spider

Little Yellow & Blue Mistflower

Grasshopper Sparrow

Red-shouldered Hawk

GA 52 E Overlook

Variegated June Beetle

Spider as food

Laphria grossa

Shiny Flea Beetle - Asphaera lustrans

2059 Fort Mountain Img_10865

Gilmer County

Wolf Spider on Mountain Laurel

Sunset at Fort Mountain Overlook

Eastern Phoebe

Leucochrysa insularis

view 10.jpg

Wolf Spider

Leiobunum species

Delaware Skipper - female

Slowed to a Trickle

Cartecay Hiker

Bryant Creek.jpg


Lake Buckhorn - Ellijay, GA (Explored 8/8/2012 #311)

Dusk at Lake Buckhorn

The road less traveled

Winter morning near Fort Mountain State Park

Carolina Wren

Overlook HDR

Overlook Panorama

Shadow Falls

Mountains & Fall Color at the Cohutta Overlook on Fort Mountain: Murray County, Georgia

Houses & Clearing in the Mountains: Taken From the Cohutta Overlook on Fort Mountain in Murray County, Georgia

Stone Wall Pathway

Barn, Pond & Fort Mountain

Holly Creek in Murray County, Georgia

Trail to Emery Creek Falls