Making Hay in the Loess Hills
3D-04-08-09-0013a oak tree
3D-04-05-09-0057ab april snow
3D-03-28-09-0025a bridge/tree
St. Mary's Catholic Church (rear view) - Mapleton, IA
3D-03-28-09-0023a bridge/tree
3D-03-28-09-0024a down the Little Sioux at Oto
3D-03-28-09-0030a geese on the bayou
3D-03-28-09-0029a bridge/tree
3D-04-08-09-0018a april snow gone
3D-04-08-09-0014a oak tree
A65V 336 (2) Prairie Skies
Spring Snow in the Loess Hills
After management burn
Regal Fritillary (Speyeria idalia)
Loess Hills Wildlife Area - 001
Lonely Trailer House
Loess Hills Wildlife Area - 005
Marine Blue (Leptotes marina)
Hickory Hairstreak (Satyrium caryaevorum)
After management burn
Nevada Buckmoth (Hemileuca nevadensis) larvae on Redroot (Ceanothus herbaceus)
Spotted Bird Grasshopper (Schistocerca lineata)
After management burn
After management burn