Demersville, Montana

Ranch house with a view

The view looking towards Glacier Park... There are actually mountains over there... Somewhere in the cloud bank.

I never get tired of this view

Flathead Valley, Montana

View of the day

View from our land on Little Bitterroot Lake on a cloudy day.

Eastbound Empire Builder Enters Flathead Tunnel (2 Views)

long view

Mamiya 7II, 80mm lens test shot Nikon 9000 scanner

Attack of the Flies

A bench with a view

Lower Pond Fountain

Flathead Valley

Sugar Plum

What a view

Montford, Montana

Hilltop View to Glacier NP

A barn with a view

Ironwork Entry Gate

Kalispell, Montana


Afternoon Sky's on the Farm - Kalispell, MT, USA

Kalispell from Lone Pine State Park

Katella Jack Farm

Swan Range

Various adventures in Montana

Various adventures in Montana

Various adventures in Montana

Wide, open space...only in the country

Last sunset of the summer.

An example of our landscaping work.

Various adventures in Montana

Morning Slough

Before our work...

Field of yellow


The canola fields are in bloom and are such a beautiful contrast with the sky...


Various adventures in Montana