Classical Cologne View

Mysterious shadow play

Autumn Sun

Drive through (Cologne - underground station)

Cologne cathedral

2012 October

Cologne Cathedral bw

October 2011 01

2014 October 01

Experimental Planting

The Crane house No1

May 2014

On the lookout

October Sun

Germany / Cologne / The Crane Houses (more Details in the comments)


~~~ in the near distance ~~~

shades of blue

2014 November 01

March - Fractal Effect

La inmensa nau / Extreme interior hights

October Sun's Rays

Schloss Paffendorf 2

Köln im Dezember 2014

Cologne fair (ND0.9)

Das berühmteste Motiv von Köln / The most famous motif of Cologne

20 seconds of Cologne in the blue hour

Cathedral by Night

Misty Morning


Frozen Cologne.

Cologne by night

Railway Bridge Cologne Deutz

Cathedral & Hohenzollern Bridge - Cologne - Germany

Hohenzollnern im Quadrat

Köln - Cologne _GERMANY- No Photoshop

2015 April 04