Cascade Falls

Green Heron in Tree Above Wilde Lake...Columbia, Maryland

Red, White, and Blue

Bald Eagle gets his Prey

room with a view, Savage style

Howard County Fog 2

Autumn in black and white

Red-headed Woodpecker

K Is For Kool Kolors

<- ->

Naked Nosed on the Viaduct

Wood Duck

I Want That...Part Two of Two...I've Got It

Make a wish

house on the hill

Ross's Goose

Sandy is almsost here...

Full Moon & Clouds

Greater White-fronted Goose at First Light...Howard County, Maryland

In a New York minute everything can change

red heart shaped

Patapsco SP ~ Cascade Falls

Ancient Ocean Floor

Dinner on the cove

Off the Path, Part One of Two

Winter Stand Of Yellow Grass

Angel Hair Water

Slime On The Move

Man-Made Waterfall in Patapsco Valley State Park

The historic ruins at Savage Mill, Maryland

Autumn in glorious color

Distant Cliffs

Forest Path

Seepage Dancer on a Perfect Perch

dawn's early light

and the sky touched the ground

Field Sparrow on Mid-winter Bird Count

Winter Cattails

Its beginning to look a bit like autumn

Sunday hike

no fishing today