Tropical Business - Manaus

Manaus; thunderstorm fast approaching over the Rio Negro


Sunset over the Rio Negro, Manaus

Great view from work!!!

Tropical Business II

Rock pools, Rio Negro

View from roof

Porto da Ceasa - Panorama

View from the Window

View from roof

Manaus Sunset

Lobby - looking up!

Storm over the Amazon

View from roof

Glass & Nature

Manaus - A Room with a View

Amazonas Theater back view from Eduardo Ribeiro Street, Manaus, Brazil

Amazon Rainforest stretches into the horizon! Brilliant 360-degree view of forest canopy and city at the top of the 42m tower (243 steps!) in Museu da Amazonia. So cool that Manaus botanic gardens leads into the forest. #Brazil #Amazonas #Manaus #DameTr

From the Window

grate view

Landscape - Blue and Green

Sky Dilema

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half underwater......... Meio sub aquática

Ótimo feriado.

Praia Ponta Negra

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Porto da Ceasa

Confronto de cores.



Manaus Shore Line

Aqui tem praia, brother!

Rio das 5.

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Manaos de Noche

Fly me to the moon... #lua #moon #manaus #amazon #amazonia

31JAN2016 Anúncio do Evangelho (Lc 4,21-30) — O Senhor esteja convosco. — Ele está no meio de nós. — PROCLAMAÇÃO do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo +segundo Lucas. — Glória a vós, Senhor. Naquele tempo, estando Jesus na sinagoga, começou a dizer: 21“Hoje

Lua de hoje :)

Nascer na prainha do rio ????

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